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Changing Skype for Business Meeting Lobby Options

By September 11, 2017September 16th, 2020Blog, Hot Technology Topics, Microsoft, Skype for Business
Skype for Business Meeting Lobby screenshot

The Skype for Business Meeting Lobby:

This post describes how to reset the amount of time an unauthenticated user is allowed to sit on a conference call without the leader present in Skype for Business. Ever connected to a meeting, only to be disconnected from the Skype for Business Meeting Lobby after a few minutes before the leader can arrive in the? This document describes how to change that behavior.

Skype Meeting Configuration Options:

There are a bunch of different configuration options for meetings scattered around Skype. Get-CsConferencingPolicy, will show you the bulk of the configurable options, but in this case, AnonymousUserGracePeriod is configurable from Set-CsUserServicesConfiguration, which also controls some global maximums such as how many meetings a person is allowed to schedule or how many contacts they can have.

AnonymousUserGracePeriod defines the length of time an external (unauthenticated) user can sit in the lobby of a meeting without an authenticated user being present. It defaults to 10 minutes and can be set as high as 1 day, after which the user will be disconnected.

Modifying AnonymousUserGracePeriod:

  1. Login to the FE server and open power shell as administrator.
  2. Pull down the current configuration of the variable
  3. PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-CsUserServicesConfiguration | findstr AnonymousUserGracePeriod
  4. AnonymousUserGracePeriod : 00:10:00
  5. Now set it to something reasonable, like 30 minutes instead of the default of 10
  6. PS C:\Windows\system32> Set-CsUserServicesConfiguration -AnonymousUserGracePeriod 00:30:00
  7. PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-CsUserServicesConfiguration | findstr AnonymousUserGracePeriod

AnonymousUserGracePeriod       : 00:30:00


Max Fuller, PEI

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