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Investing in IT: The Cloud Might Pad Your Pockets

By June 27, 2011September 2nd, 2020Best Practices, Blog, Hot Technology Topics

Investing in IT: The Cloud Might Pad Your Pockets

Most people in the IT industry are familiar with the idea of investing some of their IT budget in the Cloud.  We have all been to plenty of trainings and attended webinars on how the Cloud will not only help your productivity, but how it will save the company you work for some cash.  Your business sees it as an investment – something that might not have immediate gains, but will produce a solid ROI in the future (whether it is in dollars, productivity, or in accolades from your boss, who now realizes just how smart you really are.)  Lately, however, I’ve seen a number of news articles discussing a different side of investing in the Cloud.  Not only are people purchasing Cloud services for their companies through the likes of Microsoft or, but on a personal level, users are starting to realize that buying stocks that invest in the Cloud is a great byproduct of this technological boom.   It’s no surprise that the interest in Cloud Computing is on the rise.  Every IT company has a hand in it, from VMWARE to Microsoft, even PC providers like HP and Dell.  Even other industries see their business increasing, like cell phone tower providers.  Investors, in turn, are seeing $$$$ raining down from the Cloud.  And this trend will continue to grow.  Some predict that the data companies will send through the Cloud will double current expectations (ie: companies grow and investors make even more $$.)  Or so the experts say, which in regards to money and the stock market, I am definitely not an expert.  I even have a book on my coffee table by Suze Orman called The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, and Broke.  So here’s my disclaimer:  take what I’ve said with a grain of salt and contact your local money expert.  BUT, I do believe this is something to look in to.  This might even be some leverage with your boss if you’re interested in hosted Cloud solutions.  You’ve got to figure that if the banks and financial services like Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley are taking notice, then you know there has to be something important going on, right?

-Erika Larson, PEI

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