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Google Hangouts is Back!

By July 2, 2018September 18th, 2020Blog, Hot Technology Topics
Google Hangouts Screenshot

Not too long ago, it seemed pretty certain that Google Hangouts would die a terrible death. 

But Now, Google Hangouts is Back!

After removing features and breaking Google Voice, Google changed their minds and are no longer forcing out their most fully featured communication platform.

Not only has Allo been abandoned, Google Voice is now getting some much needed love; a 2017 user interface update happened a while back to bring it’s UI back to ‘material design’ philosophy.

Furthermore, Project FI is now a new tool fully deployed as a general public offering and best-in-the-world GSM service for Data and Calls.

Don’t forget we are speaking about “consumerland” here, and as far as Business-Grade communications go, Skype For Business is a far superior and far more stable service that has been leading the market in communications for the last 10 years. Here at PEI, we work with Microsoft Products that do not face ‘planned obsolescence’ every 18 months and provide long-term solutions your business can confidently rely on.

JacobR, PEI

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