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Building Business Trust – Becoming a Trusted and Trusting Person

By October 3, 2012June 7th, 2022Best Practices, Blog

Building Business Trust – Becoming a Trusted and Trusting Person

I want to continue talking about Trust. Last month, I discussed the four cores for being a credible individual. This time around, I want to talk about some of the behaviors and actions that you can exhibit that can improve the trust others will have in you. If you’re serious about being a relevant, credible individual, there are some things we can practice. There a number of actions, and I’ll touch on some of them now.

1. Be a Straight Talker – Honest is always the best approach. Tell the truth and let people know where you stand. Manipulating people and distorting the facts are going to hurt your credibility. Don’t spin the truth and leave false impressions. Intentionally leaving information out is just as damaging as spinning information.

2. Be Respectful – Show that you genuinely care for others. Everyone deserves dignity regardless of their role. Treat everyone with respect, especially those who can’t do anything for you. Show kindness in the little things. People are intuitive and can detect “fake” caring.

3. Create Transparency in Your Actions – It’s important that people can verify the truths you tell them. Practice being an open and authentic individual, and operate without hiding information or having a hidden agenda. If you have hidden motives, people will see through it.

4. Right Your Wrongs – We all make mistakes and are wrong from time to time. It’s critical to make things right when you’re wrong. Make sincere apologies quickly and restitution when possible or necessary. Humility is probably the finest, and most often, overlooked trait for most people. Practice humility and don’t let your personal pride get in the way of doing the right thing.

Tim Krueger, PEI



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